Saturday, June 18, 2011

for he's a jolly good fellow!

hello again! i just wanted to take a few minutes and write a little piece for father's day, which is actually not until tomorrow but i'd probably forget on the actual day of. normally i don't really care about these "smaller" / "hallmark" holidays, however, father's day i can kind of get into because my dad is probably the single most important person in my life. naturally, we have our ups-and-downs just as any relationship does, but those are pretty rare and they sort themselves out so i count myself to be one of the lucky ones in terms of dads. i'm not gonna go on a whole spill, but just know that i think the world of my dad- i'm very proud and thankful of the sacrifices he's made in my life to make sure i was always comfortable and happy! i don't know what the future holds for me in terms of love, and a husband, and all of that- but i know that if there is a guy in my future (i'm getting kinda doubtful at this point) that i can only hope he'll be half as amazing of a father to our children as my dad is to me!

below is a picture of my dad from last summer- a goofy, does no justice for his handsomeness picture.
below that is what i got him for father's day- little solar powered lantern posts for the yard (4) from target.


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